Here i am taking a moment to smile at the camera after taking off my wet clothes

Lately when someone takes my picture i have to put my hand out and wave at the camera

This was the tree that fell down about 6 feet from our tent. It was a bit windy this day and my mom, dad and i were changing in the tent. My mom heard something and asked daddy what it was. Daddy looked outside the tent and saw a tree starting to crack and was about to tumble. He quickly grabbed me and told my mom to run. My mom just about went into labor and sprinted as fast as she could, not knowing what direction the tree was falling. It was a close call and my mom was terrified of every swaying tree the rest of the day. I think we might start going to church after this near death experience.

Here's the tree that almost got us.

After a long day, there's nothing better than a roasted marshmellow!
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