Here i am at 32 weeks and feeling like 40! I have felt good so far, just tired and feeling huge. I don't remember my belly being this big last time but maybe it was, i just didnt take any pics. I have an ultrasound on Thurs to check the kidney's, and i'm hoping they are still good. My doctor also gave us the okay to induce on Aug 31st so i can have 22 days before i start nursing school. So hopefully we will have the little man on Sep. 1st!

Here i am at 17 weeks

I thought i was big at 11 weeks...boy was i a cute little thing !
1 comment:
Hi Brooke! It's crazy to look at someone else's tummy when they're that far along... I forgot what 8 months pregnant looked like! You look great!!! Glad you're feeling well and what a fun camping trip!
I'm so impressed you're going to start nursing school so soon after your little guy's born. Good for you, I'll say some prayers for you guys that he's a good little sleeper and you feel rested and energetic :)
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