Christmas Eve was Matt and Loiuse's night to make dinner. Loiuse is an amazing cook and her and Matt cooked up some home made gumbo. I had never eaten gumbo before but it was awesome and everybody had seconds. After dinner the kids opened presents. Cameron's new thomas leapster game

Lightening Mcqueen jammies

The funniest part was watching Collin climb on all the boxes. Collin is Climmey Mcclimmer...he crawls up on everything! After Cameron opened his lego box, Collin climbed on top of it and Cameron wanted him off right away! The adults all thought this was the funniest thing to watch Collin push Cameron's buttons...something Collin does alot these days

Uncle Ken and Aunt Troylyn having fun at dinner with Collin

A little blue bow on the head and ALOT of drool!
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