This year i got away with just having another family B-day for Cameron. Mami, Papa Dave, Uncle Matt and Nana came to celebrate(papa was sick at home). Didn't mean to put this pic first but thats how it turned out. Collin is fascinated with the candle and cake
Papa Dave has started a new trend and has bought me a dozen or so of these wooden cars. Here is Cameron opening one of the presents and papa patient helping with the ribbon.

Here is the big wooden car! I think i need some clarification of what the name of these cars are. All i know is they are not made in China

Uncle Matt always brings more to the table. He is very good at imitating a dirt bike i must say!
Here is the cake made. Yes i have taken up a new career in baking cakes. I think i already know what i'm going to make for Ryan's b-day...Cameron was very happy with the final product
I can't even believe it's already been five years since Mr. Cameron arrived. I remember after he was born feeling so overwhelmed and Ryan and i both had no idea what we were doing. Ryan even asked if we could give Cameron baby Nyquil the first night we brought him home. I was pretty emotional for about a week after his arrival and i cried about everything. Totally different when we brought Collin home. Anyways, Cameron is our spirited child and is very stubborn (wonder where he gets that) but he can also say the cutest things that just melt your heart. One day out of the clear blue he tells me that i make his heart beat happy. I just melted when he said this to me. Cameron has taught Ryan and i everything we know thus far about parenting and i feel sorry for him that he has to be the first. I think Cameron is going to be an amazing child and adult. He truely is interested in everything and is very smart. I always talk about what a good baby Collin is but i think Cameron will be an easier teenager than Collin because he is so cautious about everything. Cameron has truely put life into perspective for Ryan and i and has tested our patients at the same time. The last couple months he has seemed to be phasing out of the fit stage but now he is becoming more persuasive. His passion is trains, and he says when he grows up he is going to be a fire fighter, an astronaut, a builder and he wants to be like Papa Dave (his best friend). We are excited about him becoming a young man but a little sad at the same time. We are so happy to have you as a son and we love you very much! Happy 5th Buddy!
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