One year ago today Collin Matthew entered our lives. I have to admit i was pretty dissapointed when i found out i was having another boy, but i got over it quite quickly as soon as i met him. Last year around this time i was wondering whether i would be able to pass nursing school with a new baby. I knew it was going to be difficult but i would do anything in my power to pass. The first time Ryan's grandmother held Collin at the hospital she told me he was going to be a good baby and a "fantastic" baby he was. I was prepared to have sleepless nights and crying but to my surprise that never happened. Collin never cried for more than 20 seconds and if he did all he needed was to be fed. When he did wake up at night all i did was feed him and he would fall back asleep. I think he knew coming into this world that he needed to let mommy finish school and in order for her to do that he needed to behave. He has brought us soooo much joy and everybody that meets him falls in love with him. Even strangers come up to him and he just charms them with a smile. I look forward to coming home and seeing him everyday and i even enjoy getting him in the morning ( i am the worst morning person) but his smile brightens my day. I already miss him being little and i feel sad that his first year is already over. I dont remember feeling sad when Cameron turned 1, it must be a second child thing. I look forward to watching Collin grow and develop into a lil man. I hope he continues to be a wonferful baby because i have one more year of school to go. Happy Birthday my lil man, We all love you so much! More pictures to come from his party which is Saturday
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