Well here is my mom at 24 weeks! This baby is sure growing at an incredible pace. Last week she had an ultrasound and the baby's estimated weight was 1 pound 8 oz. Everything looks good except the doc is a little concerned about the kidney's. They are a little dilated than they want them to be, so we have to go back every 3 weeks to make sure they don't get bigger. Worse case scenario would be baby would have to get surgery on them when he is born. We are all hoping that doesn't happen. My mommy also just found out she got into nursing school which starts in Sep. She is going to be a crazy women and go for it. So it is going to be a stressful year for everybody!!

Giving brother some love!

1 comment:
Hey Brooke!
You are so cute! You will love having two boys! Two boys are the best!
Look forward to following your preganancy!
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