Collin has a new nightly routine! Every night i put him in his crib he immediately puts his thumb in his mouth. It cracks me up because as soon as i put him in there he knows what to do. Tonight i tried to get him to keep his thumb in his mouth for the camera but the camera caught his attention and he took it out. He is also getting 4 teeth on the top and he has 2 on the bottom. He loves to eat now and he can usually polish off 2 jars and he sometimes cries for more after that. He is still our happy go lucky child and we are enjoying every minute of him!

He is also starting to sit on his own. He leans his weight on his hands and is a little unsteady but we are working on it. He puts everything in his mouth and we are going to have to start picking up Cameron's toys pretty soon.

I love this one..."You lookin at me?"

Cameron is still very good with Collin and Ryan even got Cameron to feed him his bottle. Pretty soon he will be changing diapers too!