Finally i have found some time to post some pictures of the boys! Cameron found a new interest in photography and seemed to break my camera. So we just got a new one and i'm so relieved because i was feeling like a bad mom not being able to post pics of Collin, since he will only be little once. I have been crazy busy at nursing school, but i am mananging quite well. I got an 88 on my last test so i was pretty stoked about that. Collin is still a great baby and is sleeping 7 hour stretches at night which makes me very happy. Cameron is enjoying pre-school for the most part but he still needs a little work on his behavior. Ryan is adjusting well in his role as "Mr. Mom", and i'm sure he can't wait until Christmas break!

Cameron is going to be Thomas for halloween...go figure?

My chubby baby boy

Me and the boys

Mammi and the boys...notice the UW shirts papa Dave??