Okay, so i must admit i have been pretty bad about taking pictures and posting them. Here are a few cute one's that i have gotten so far. Collin is an AMAZING baby! I can't believe how lucky i have gotten with him. I havn't heard him cry for more than 20 secs yet. He just wakes up and eats and goes back to sleep. I can even just lay him on the couch for hours and he just looks around and talks to us. He is sleeping in a bassinet in our room and sleeps about 4 hours then wakes up to eat and goes back to sleep. He wakes up about 1-2 times more after that. I guess he is being a good boy because he really wants me to go to nursing school in a week or so. Here is a picture of him after his sponge bath.

Monkey man

Ready for some food

little man in a big crib

Cameron and daddy feeding Collin his first bottle. Cameron has been doing ok with the new guy around. He has his moments where he is just mad for no reason and throws his fits but we are working on spending quality time with him too. He started pre-school a couple weeks ago and liked it the first day but once Collin was born he says he doesn't like school. When i drop him off he throws an embarrassing fit and then is fine and dandy the rest of the time. I really hope he stops this soon.