I am sooooo happy my daddy is working days now because i can have someone else around the house to play with me at night. My daddy was home with me last night and he built me this fort on our couch. I just love to hide in it and pretend no one can find me!! I did throw a fit (like usual) when we had to put the cushions back on the couch...but what do you expect, i am two and that's my job, right??
This is my new boat!!! My mommy and daddy decided to trade in the old boat because i was too hard to handle on such a little boat. I love my new boat and i cant wait for this summer to go boating. I think this boat will be perfect for my family!
My mom and Dad bought me a baseball T and a bat so i can learn how to hit the ball. They were a little confused on how to teach me because i am left handed and they were not sure which way i would hit on. I kind of got the idea of hitting the ball with the bat, however i also enjoyed using my mouth to get the ball off the T. Well hopefully i will be better tomorrow and maybe someday i will be a professional and i can pay my Daddy's truck off!!
Here i am kickin pack on the couch with my "baby" watching some cartoons and looking like i need some time alone. Here i am playing horsey with my daddy. This is my favorite game to play at night with my daddy. I always try to make my mommy do this with me while my daddy is at work, but she is not as good as Daddy. More horsey fun!!
My mommy and Daddy got to attend a wedding in Leavenworth for the weekend. My Mammy came to stay with me and took me on lots of adventures and we had a great time! Here is some pics of my mom and dad at the wedding; they were just so excited to get away from me for a night.....i cant understand why though? Thanks for taking such good care of me Mammy!! Please come relieve my parents anytime!!